Author: Delta Zero

Spear Phishing

Spear Phishing: the Invisible Threat

Spear Phishing: Your Guide to Understanding and Countering the Invisible Threat In the ruthless universe of cybersecurity, spear phishing stands out as a threat that

Blog - individuals focused on their smartphones

Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

Protect Your Privacy on Social Media: Essential Tips for Everyone. In the digital age, our lives are increasingly exposed on social media. Whether it’s on

march 2023 - women in tech couv

From War to Innovation: The history of Women in Tech.

Technology is constantly evolving and continues to shape our world. However, the representation of women in this field remains largely disproportionate.

In this weekly series of articles, we will explore remarkable female personalities who have made a significant contribution to technology.

ai playing chess

The AI War: Comparing the Top Chatbots

In recent times, the success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been the talk of the town, emerging as the new leader in artificial intelligence. However, as the race heats up, tech giants are not one to be left behind.